Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks

It is the time of year where people reflect on their lives and give thanks, at least according to facebook.  So, I'm jumping on the bandwagon, but instead of 30 days of thanks, I decided to just blog about it.  I am so thankful for the many blessings in my life, especially my beautiful family.  Last weekend we took family portraits at the park, so I thought that this would be the perfect time to start introducing photos to my blog.  
Here are a few of my favorites:

My favorite men!
My Love

The Gonzalez Family
I am blessed to have three handsome little boys (and a big one :).  Caiden, Trey and Ryan brighten my days; HR is my rock and biggest fan!!!  I pray his love and understanding never fade!!!  I also have some amazing women in my family.  My mother and sisters would (and try their best to) give my sons the world.  I can't wait to be an Auntie and return the love ;)

I am thankful for my ex-husband, without whom I would not have my oldest son!  We had some ups, and definitely some downs, but our relationship has grown and changed.  I am happy to say that we have found the balance between being "exes" and being "friends."  He is a wonderful father, and I could not ask for anything more for Caiden!

My back and I are still at odds, especially during this time of year, but besides that I can't complain.  This time last year would have been a different story, as I was still in the midst of recovering from pregnancy complications. Back to the present....I workout fairly consistently and I eat well.  That being said, I am thankful for good health.

I am thankful to have the opportunity to continue studying, for the merit scholarship awarded to me (which means my long nights and hard work were not in vain), to have a beautiful home, to provide and be provided for, for all that I have and even that which I don't.  

Monday, November 19, 2012


Today my husband and I made a trip out to Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMUK).  We had several things on our to do list, and we got most of it accomplished.  House hunting was a bust.  Finding a place to live is frustrating and stressful.  In Kingsville, the nicer, newer apartments are income-based, while the ones we could rent (that we inquired about) had no vacancies.  Finding a rental home is worse.  Daycare for the little ones is another challenge.  Most childcare centers only open part-time, either a few days a week, or for only a few hours a day.  The center on campus has a 2.5 year waiting program is 2 years (God-willing).

I briefly met with the director of my grad program in the morning, but he had a class and we decided to meet in the afternoon instead.  I spoke with someone at financial aid in the morning and also changed my name with the registrar (they had me listed as one of my previous aliases).  I bought my first Javelina shirt at the bookstore.  We took a break from school related activities and had lunch with my grandmother, who happened to be in town pre-registering for surgery.  After lunch we went back to campus so that I could meet with the director.  I was permitted into my courses.  Yay!

The most memorable part of my day, besides being able to share it with my husband, was a special feeling I got while walking around campus getting things done.  My husband attended TAMUK, so it was nice to know that we are sharing an experience.  That's not it though.  I felt a sense of pride being on see, my grandmother was a high school drop out.  She quit school to get married, as was not uncommon back in the day.  After a few years of staying home, she decided she wanted more; she wanted an education.  She got her GED, and proceeded to get her bachelors and then her masters.... at, of all places, TAMUK!!!

It's all so surreal, but with each thing crossed off my list, it definitely gets more real.  I am nervous and excited for school to start, and dreading the actual process of moving.  I believe in me, my husband believes in me, the director seemed intent on getting me through as quickly as possible (which means he believes I can, based on my academic history).  We are making some sacrifices, and I would hate for it all to be for nothing.  Failure is not an option!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Have an Outlet

Life isn't always beautiful.  Sometimes there are aspects of our lives that aren't going as smoothly as others.  I love my family.  I love my husband.  I don't particularly care for all elements of my job-the paperwork, the constant technology battles, the attitudes.  I definitely don't care for some of his.  HR was home for almost a whole week straight last week.  It was awesome to spend so much time with him, but since he's been gone, I haven't been able to talk to him.  You win, you lose. That's life I suppose, why should his job be any different.

Have an outlet.  Take up a hobby.  Read.  Work-out.  Shop.  Personally, running is the most therapeutic.  This is especially true on a day like today when the conditions are perfect.  It was a beautiful 70 degrees out, I happened to have a crappy day, and I got home with a decent amount of time before daycare closes.  I generally don't run for distance, less for time.  I just run as time permits.  My running has to be done after work but before 6pm when I need to pick up Trey from daycare.  This doesn't leave me much time, especially if I have tutoring or a meeting after school.  At times I know I will only be able to run about 20 minutes, but I have to take what I can get. Today I ran 40 minutes.  This is probably the most I have run in a few weeks.  

I digress.  My point is, do something, anything, to release the stress, anger, tension, etc...that you may be feeling about something that happened in your day (or life).  If not, you risk spillover.  For me, that would consist of taking my day out on the boys by not being as patient or mentally available for them. ...or being so worked up by the time HR calls that I really don't feel like talking to him, which is extremely frustrating for both of us since we get to talk so infrequently and for such a limited time.  

When I can't run, I do Insanity, shop, eat sweets (my kryptonite), watch a favorite show....and at the end of the day, be prepared to be positive and share some of the happy tidbits of  your day with those around you. This is not to say that you can't vent, but having an outlet will allow you to take some of the edge off.  If you can't find something good about your day to throw in, simply evaluate what you have, tell that someone how much you love and appreciate them, how much they mean to you...

Monday, November 12, 2012

tick tock

Time is ticking.  Thanksgiving is next week; Christmas is soon after. I need to start shopping. I need to start packing!  The next several weeks are going to be chaotic as we prepare for another chapter, but I'm ready. I think. Wait, who am I kidding? I'll be a mess and there will be no preparation.  I will be a classic procrastinator at her finest!!!

People keep saying we are crazy. HR and I have discussed it and have come to the same conclusion: YES we are crazy! The most important part though, is that we are crazy together.  I love HR and the fact that he is willing to let me do this.  It's not easy uprooting the whole family, but nothing worth doing is easy!  Next Monday we are going house hunting in Kingsville, and I am meeting with my adviser to discuss last minute details about my schedule and practicum hours.  I can't wait!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


HR has been in town since Friday evening.  He did have to report to work briefly Saturday, but returned in just a few short hours.  He won't have to report again until Wednesday at midnight or quite possibly Thursday around lunchtime.

It will be almost a week for us to be together as a family, and although the boys are enjoying it too, they are also already expecting him to go back to work.  Today I picked up Trey from daycare and as we pulled into the drive he was surprised to see Daddy was still here.  I love the way his eyes light up when Daddy is home, melts my heart!  Even Ryan is very attached to HR.  It seems that he knows his time is limited, thus he spends as much time hanging on to him as HR will allow :)

Caiden enjoys the time when HR's home as well.  That boy can TALK!  HR always gets an earful on his way to drop off/pick up Caiden from school.  HR had the opportunity to work some of his days off, but Caiden sort of convinced him to stay a little longer.  Really if I didn't know Caiden's dad, I would swear that HR was his dad....they have the same habit of taking the long way around in a story.

I wanted to get an entry in since it has been a few days, but my love being home is the reason I haven't made time.  I'd much rather spend it with him and the family.  We also both got new smart phones, so I have been preoccupied playing with it....I had a 3 year old "basic" before, how did I ever survive?  lol.