Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Long days

Anyone who truly knows me knows that I cannot function without two things: SLEEP and FOOD.  Without the proper amount of sleep or food I can get rather...lets call it irritable.

Today happens to be my "long" day. I start class at 9:30am and don't get a break until 1:45pm. This means I don't get to eat a big lunch.  It also means I will have little patience in my final class of the day~big problem considering....I'll get to that in a bit. My first two courses are taught by the same professor. Judging by his syllabi, I was expecting a grumpy old man. He was young, funny and easily distracted. Not sure whether this will be a good thing or a bad thing. He requires a lot of reading and even more writing~my arch-nemesis 

My afternoon class is called Fluency~think of it as the flow/fluidity of speech. The book for the course is Working with People Who Stutter: A Lifespan Approach. There will be no exams, just a series of experiential assignments.  Here's my problem.  By this time in the day I am STARVING and tired of sitting in the same class all morning (my back aches from sitting so long, not to mention the "cold" 40s temps). Oh, and the professor stutters.  Now, I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the clinical meaning of stuttering, but  there are varying types of "behaviors" that are classified as stuttering. He displays several. I have nothing against the guy, he is intelligent, interesting, and brings a lot of personal experience to the subject, but that doesn't make it any easier for me to focus on what he is trying to say. A fellow classmate told me it does get easier for all of us. As the semester rolls on he gets more comfortable with the class and stutters less, and the students just kind of get used to it. I hope so.

After school I came home to start a crockpot dinner and clean up. HR comes home tonight. I ate a lite lunch and then went on a run before I picked up the boys. I decided to avoid Larry, Moe and Shemp today (the ranch dogs).  I hadn't seen them the few times I drove by their house, but I didn't feel like running into them and awkwardly spending so much time pretending I wasn't scared and forcing polite conversation just to get passed them. Maybe there's some sort of secret password I need to say before they'll let me pass????  I was bummed I didn't get to see Veggie (the baby calf in my pic from yesterday). He's definitely a cutie, but I'm not sure I would have seen him anyway because they rotate pastures to graze 

I ran, instead, near the university. I parked at the boys' daycare and ran a large loop around some historical buildings in the downtown area. I must admit I enjoy the "old time" architecture; the details are beautiful.  I only ran about 25 minutes, but I pushed the pace. It was a nice run, although I really need to find the headband I have that covers my ears (not sure what it's called).

Anyway, I survived another day. Now I have a ton of reading to do and a few assignment due tomorrow.