Monday, October 29, 2012

Is it Friday yet?

It's Monday and it wouldn't be Monday if something didn't go wrong.

The day started off well: woke up early, got the kids ready on time, got to work on time.  My students really enjoyed the activity that my partner and I worked so hard to put together.  I got an email mid-morning saying that my letter accepting TAMUK's offer had been received and the next step would be to contact my advising Professor to discuss scheduling.  I immediately sent him an email and just as quickly received one from him.  It's all becoming so real and as nervous as I am about how it will all pan out (with the family and finances, etc...), I am getting excited!!!

Cut to...I basically leave work when the kids do.  I make it home by about 4:15 and think to myself, "Wow, you have time for a good run in this beautiful weather!!!"  I pull into the driveway and press the garage door remote button.  Nothing.  I press it again.  NOTHING!  I call my mother-in-law, who leaves after I do in the mornings, and ask her how she got out this morning.  She couldn't find the extra remote, so she let herself out the back door.  :(

I have one key to my house.  It opens every door.  My key was in the house in the sleeve that holds my iPod when I run.  My garage door has a security option of locking out the remote.  It's a feature we use at night, so that if my truck were to get broken into, the remote would not be able to open the garage.  Since my mother-in-law didn't use the other opener, she did't disengage that feature.  I was locked out!!!

Two hours later, Pop-a-Lock arrived and let me in to my own house.  I promptly paid the guy $65 and immediately began looking for the key to put back on my car key ring.  I couldn't find it anywhere.  I thought about the last time I ran.  Last Friday, HR was still home, I ran to his parents house where he was waiting on me with the kiddos.  I put the iPod in the diaper bag when I got there.....connect the dots.  :(  I didn't get to run, and now I need a frosty adult beverage!!!!!

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