Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mummy's boy

Today is Ryan's birthday.  Oh yeah, it's Halloween also.  In about 2.5 hours he will be officially 1 year old.  I can't remember much for the first three days after he was born.  I know I didn't feel well all weekend.  My blood pressure was climbing throughout my pregnancy and I had already been in the hospital for a few days about a week before.  I went in to work on Monday, though I really felt I shouldn't be there.  Something was wrong, but I wasn't sure what.  I convinced myself that it was normal to feel blah and tired...being 8 months pregnant.  Plus, I hadn't left any work for my students, lol.  I went in to see the secretary in charge of absences and asked her if she could get me a sub for the afternoon.

I called the doctor and told him I just didn't feel well.  He asked me to come in just to be sure, since I had just gotten out of the hospital days before.  I went in around 1330.  My blood pressure was a little high and he was concerned with me possibly having pre-eclampsia (apprently the first time I was in the hospital I was "pre" pre-eclamptic).  I went in to the doctor's office and subsequently the hospital.  Long story short, near midnight they decided I needed an emergency c-section.  I had pre-eclampsia and HELPP disease (a lack of platelets) and I had sprung a leak (my amniotic fluid had been slowly leaking for what they estimated was a few weeks).  It was dangerous-my blood wouldn't clot, but leaving Ryan in would surely result in a stroke or heart attack, not to mention the dangers to him due to the leak.  My blood pressure continued to climb despite multiple doses of multiple medications.

All I remember is HR kissing me on the forehead, tears rolling down my face as they rushed me off.   The next three days are/were a blur :(

Cut we had a birthday breakfast together, just me and my little wizard.  He was wearing his Indian costume.  He and a Winter Texan had a conversation over milk and coffee, respectively.  When we left, that older man gave him a coin dollar, ("Wompum," he called it), I thanked him and told him that it was special because today is his birthday!!!  He said to make sure it found its to his piggy bank.  At lunch a very dear friend of mine Dr. "D" treated us to lunch.  After, I got a run in with the birthday boy, got to pick up Caiden from school (and spend a few quality extra hours with him), we made mummy cupcakes, Nana came over, and we all went to the Fall Festival at Trey's childcare center (except Caiden who went trick-or-treating with my Uncle Albert and his kiddos).  Afterward, we had a birthday dinner with Nana. babies passed out!  lol.  They had a great day despite daddy being gone, especially Ryan.  Happy Birthday RyRy!!!!

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