Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Goodbyes are never easy

The last two weeks I have been in another world.  Caiden was here for the Summer and was getting ready to leave.  We spent some time playing games, watching movies and just hanging out.  I had a major paper due (and a test every week) while he was here, but luckily HR was here to take him out.  He also helped me tremendously with Trey's 3rd birthday party at school.  The theme was tractors, the boys absolutely love tractors...and we made smocks and goody bags for his class.

We dropped of Caiden at the airport last Saturday.  We spent the day Thursday and then again on Friday playing outside in the water and on a giant waterslide.  It was a blast and the boys really enjoyed their last few days with big brother.  I feel like it went by too fast, like I had just picked him up and I was already having to drop him back off.  One more year!  One more year of grad school and one more year without my baby.  I always miss him when he leaves, but I know he's in good hands.  So proud of him for being such a great big brother.  His brothers definitely look up to him:

School has kept me pretty busy and the kids continued to pass a bug around for a few weeks, but I have still found some time to run 2-3 times a week, which is much less than I'd like, but better than nothing.  Yesterday I ran 40 minutes.  Generally I don't like treadmill running, but I ran 2 on the treadmill in the middle of my run to cool off and break up the run (It was 4:45pm when I set out on my run and 101 out).  I'm still not convinced I like treadmills or would use one very often, but it was nice to get out of the heat/humidity.  It was also much easier to keep up my goal pace.  

This was just a little update to let you know I'm still here!  

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